By clicking on get a quote button.

Express Shipping is 5-7 business days from day of shipping. Cargo leaves every Friday day from the New York City. Packages that are delivered by Thursday, would ship on Friday. Packages that arrive our warehouse on a Friday will ship the following Friday.

Standard Shipping is 10-15 business days from day of shipping. Cargo leaves every Friday day from the New York City. Packages that are delivered by Thursday, would ship on Friday. Packages that arrive our warehouse on a Friday will ship the following Friday.

If your product is covered by an international warranty, you should contact the product manufacturer directly to process the warranty claim. We recommend checking to see whether the manufacturer honors international warranties before providing any order information to them. Otherwise, we may be prevented from making a warranty claim on your behalf at a later stage. We offer a warranty return service for products purchased through Big Apple Buddy for a fee of US$99 per item. You will be responsible for all shipping fees, customs charges and store-related costs associated with the return/exchange. If you are interested in this service, please contact us at orders@shareshopship.com Please note that we are currently unable to provide store receipts to our customers.

This will depend on your product and the manufacturer. Most products in the U.S. only come with a U.S. based warranty. We do recommend checking the manufacturer’s website prior to placing your order to confirm warranty details.

Our service fee is what we charge to help you purchase your item from the U.S. and ship it to your doorstep, hassle-free. The service fee covers the entire purchasing process, including sourcing your item, purchasing your goods, inspecting your goods upon arrival at our facility, packing your items and preparing all necessary shipping and customs documentation.

it’s very easy! • Request a quote via our website shareshopship.com • Once we receive your payment, we’ll purchase your item and ship it to your doorstep. We take care of the entire shopping process from start to finish so you don't have to lift a finger. This includes purchasing your item, repacking the items and preparing all necessary shipping and customs documentation.

Our team has over a decade of combined experience in managing big box retail stores in the United States. We are well versed in sourcing the best deals for items both in stores and online. ShareShopShip continues to build relationships with various vendors that transcends into value for our customers.

ShareShopShip is a New York City based shopping concierge service for personal and business consumers around the globe. Our team helps bridge the gap between the hurdles of shopping on US websites from overseas.